Mtunzini Fun Fact: The Fairy Inkcap

Mtunzini Fun Fact: The Fairy Inkcap

Mtunzini Fun Fact: The Fairy Inkcap, Coprinellus disseminatus, rarely ventures forth alone or even with just a few friends; more often it forms dense masses swarming over rotting tree stumps and roots. These gregarious little fungi occur from early spring until the...

Mtunzini Fun Fact: Eastern Forest watcher

Mtunzini Fun Fact: Eastern Forest watcher

Mtunzini Fun Fact: See if you can spot this little wonder. Known as the Notiothemis jonesi, eastern forest watcher, Jones’ forest watcher or eastern elf. It is a species of dragonfly in the family Libellulidae. It is found from South...

Mtunzini Fun Fact: Edible Monkey Moth

Mtunzini Fun Fact: Edible Monkey Moth

Edible monkeys moths are large, brownish, slow-flapping moths. These moths had a wingspan of about 100mm. One could view them as somewhat drab on first inspection, but they are beautifully patterned and rather beautiful.Edible monkeys have the almost unpronounceable...

Mtinzini Fun Fact: The Banded Garden Spider

Mtinzini Fun Fact: The Banded Garden Spider

Mtunzini Fun Fact: The banded garden spider is a large species, with a generally ovoid form and bright markings. Mature females may be 13-14.5 mm when fully extended and the carapace of the body typically between 5-6.5 mm in length. Males are substantially smaller,...