AIDS helpline
080 001 2322
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
0861 435 722
Anxiety and Depression Helpline
0800 456789
Birthright (unwanted pregnancy)
031 201 5471 or 073 266 2148
Childline KZN
080 005 5555
Gender Violence
0800 150150
LifeLine Richards Bay
086 132 2322 or 035 769 2472
LifeLine Richards Bay After-hours
082 761 9111
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
083 900 6962
Rape: Tutazela
035 794 1471
Richards Bay Family Care
035 789 2640
SANCA Zululand
035 772 3290
Suicide Emergency
0800 567 567
The Open Door Crisis Care Centre
084 409 2679
Zululand Mental Health
035 7870146/7