Isn’t it lovely to have some measure of freedom again, and to go to the beach. Many of us hardly make it to the beach, but boy, when it closed, we all needed to be there as if our lives depended on it! Please don’t let your guard down though, it’ll be a long time before we are out of the woods, the ever-present Covid bug is still very much a threat!

The MEPS and MRA members will be happy to hear that fortunately we are not  having  to increase our members fees for a second year running. We are doing all we can to keep the running costs as low as possible – in particular, our accounting costs have gone up by quite a substantial amount.  With this in mind we would like to encourage as many members as possible to change their payment method to Debit Order.  We manage our own Debit Orders online so don’t be scared you will  get stuck with a Debit Order that you can’t get rid of.

Residents doing it for themselves!! Massive congratulations to all the Zinians that have taken to the streets to clean-up and tidy their streets and neighbourhoods. We are all frustrated with the current situation and commend you for stepping up! The MRA continues to follow up with Municipal departments in the hope of improving matters and has other plans afoot to solve some of the problem areas.

Any organisations, clubs, or schools, that have events planned, either weekly or Annually are invited to contact the MRA office to advertise their event on the Village Calendar. You are also welcome to phone and check your planned dates to make sure you won’t have a conflicted event. Our pool of attendees is so small that conflicting events are not in anyone’s interest. Your event will go onto the Mtunzini Village website and Facebook page, it’s for you and it’s free, all you have to do is send us the details.

As always we encourage residents who aren’t members of the MRA to join and show you also care about this wonderful village.  Call Bernice on 072 369 3469 or email